The Warrior Diet | Book Summary | PDF
The Warrior Diet: Switch on Your Biological Powerhouse For High Energy, Explosive Strength, and a Leaner, Harder Body
Join Ori Hofmekler as he turns to history for a solution to obesity and its attendant ailments—back to the primal habits of early cultures like nomads, hunter-gatherers, the Greeks, and the Romans. Drawing on both survival science and historical data, Hofmekler argues that robust health and a lean, strong body can best be achieved by mimicking the classical warrior mode of cycling—working and eating sparingly (undereating) during the day and filling up at night. A radical yet surprisingly simple lifestyle overhaul, the Warrior Diet Nutritional Program and the Controlling Fatigue Training Program can literally reshape your body!
This is the book summary for: The Warrior Diet: Switch on Your Biological Powerhouse For High Energy, Explosive Strength, and a Leaner, Harder Body
Table of Contents
-One Meal A Day: The cornerstone of the warriordiet
- Be a hunter not a scavenger
- Why fasting is important part of the warrior diet
-How to deal with hunger
-Steps to manage the difficulty of adapting to thewarrior diet
-What to eat during the under-eating phase orduring fasting
-Living Foods
- Drinks
- Fruits
- Veggies
- Minerals
- Protien
- Supplements
-How Protein Digestion Works
-The Role of Fat in Burning Fat
-The Eating Phase
-What happens when you eat after fasting
-How to know that you reached satiety
-What to do after eating your big meal?
-What to drink after your meal
-Cook your meal instead of ordering
-Healthy sources of protein and fat
-Health Oils & Fats
-Bad Fats & Oils
-Health Carbs
-Benefits of apple cider vinegar
-Salt & Potassium
-A note for professional athletes
-Stubborn Fat
-How to prevent burn fat
-How much body fat should you have?
-Building Muscles without gaining fat
-Chemicals, Toxins and other stressors
-Protection against toxins and radiation
-List of Super-foods & Good Supplements
Sample Warrior Meals
-Meal #1
-Meal #2
-Meal #3
-Meal #4
Page count: 48
Format: PDF